She Who is of Many Feathers
Shamanic Priestess, Hedgewitch, Seer, Spirit Messenger
"Let me be as a feather, strong with purpose,
Yet light at heart, able to bend.
And tho I might become frayed,
Able to pull myself together again."
--Anita Sams
My work is born out of a desire to guide others on their own unique journeys of inner transformation and to inspire them to rise up, out of the ashes, stronger than before! I have always held a dream for a world where we are ALL unconditionally accepted and loved.
That world is closer than it's ever been but it starts with each one of us loving our own shadows into light, identifying the conditioning that we've picked up along the way, and satisfying those soul lessons -- at both the individual level & the Collective level -- by emancipating ourselves from those chains.
Working directly with Higher Consciousness/Spirit, I am a Messenger & a Medicine Woman for these times. I am both a Death Walker & a Midwife, called to assist others in their own BECOMING.